Quitting probably isn't the best word for me to use here. Let's say "taking a break". And I am not talking about from my server position at the restaurant in town (I love that job). I am talking about the job that requires me to create "better memories" than all of my friends. I am "taking a break" from social media.
Now, you may say that this blog should count as social media, but I don't. I highly doubt that this blog is even skimmed over by 2 people within a week. But, that is fine with me.
Why I'm Leaving Facebook
I have decided that Facebook only provides me with news that I enjoy seeing about once every two months. That would be when a friend gets engaged, when someone has their first baby, or when I get to see beautiful wedding photos. For the most part, Facebook sucks an enormous amount of my time. I have decided to keep my account active, but only access it when someone asks me to. (I've already deleted my phone app, whoo! small success!)
I honestly do believe that Facebook is a brilliant idea. I am not knocking it at all and I in no way believe that Facebook itself is bad. For me, I need less of it.
Why I'm Fixing My Instagram Account
I set my profile to private, I unfollowed people that I don't know, and I filtered through my followers to only people who really know me. I'm only sharing my photos with close friends, right?
I've made myself believe that my constant updates are just a way to record my memories. Honestly, I think I am just looking for approval from my friends and a certain number of "likes" to make me feel good about my life. That's sad.
I will continue to update my Instagram account with photos that I actually care about sharing, and I will also print them to save in a photo album. They are that important right?
Why I Love My Blog
While typing new posts, I am not looking forward to anyone reading them. I don't expect a certain reaction from readers, and I am not looking for acceptance. I simply blog as a hobby.
I promise my rant is over. It feels nice to wind it in a bit and be a little more me and less "Emily Stark, account number x"
Thank you, whoever you are for reading!
Fun stuff will be back next post, promise!
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