A quick look back at my March goals:
- Memorize a verse per week
- Send flowers to a friend (this one is planned already!)
- Plan a surprise day trip
- Take a train ride
- Visit someplace new
- Mealplan an entire month
- Do some DIY projects
- Cook just for me
What I actually did:
- Send flowers to a friend
- Plan a surprise day trip
- Visit someplace new
- Do some DIY projects
So I sent flowers to my beautiful friend, Roxanne, on her birthday.
Me, Ryan, my brother and his girlfriend took a surprise day trip to Richmond, where I had never been before & had a great time. We live about three hours out of the city, so it was a nice little haul, but so worth it. We spent the day checking out the touristy places & hitting up some great locations that John & Sherry over at Young House Love suggested (all were great by the way).
Some plans for April:
- Have a yardsale & donate to a cause
- Host a Pinterest party (I may do these two together:))
- Complete the Insanity workout
- Send a letter snail-mail style
Because we are already a week in, I'm keeping the list small.
Let's see what happens!
Have you felt extremely busy the past few weeks? Is it spring? Or just me? I'm on the lookout for really cool party ideas for this "yardsale/pinterest" party, let me know if you come across any!