Friday, January 31, 2014

It's Kickoff

It's kickoff to my 101 in 1001 challenge, that is. I wanted a good even day to begin it on, so I waited all..week..long. February 1st, you are MINE. Tomorrow I will start crossing things off of my list, and I am way too excited about it. I can't even imagine what is going to happen within the next 1001 days, and how much God is going to show me his love. I can only pray that I live every day to the fullest that he intends. I am constantly reminded of my favorite verse..

Over the next few weeks, I have set a goal for myself, so I actually get to start this fun stuff!
  • Finish Jillian Michael's 30 day workout
  • Send some letters snail-mail style
  • Have dessert before dinner
  • Do a few DIY projects
  • Cook dinner just for me....I'm thinking salmon!
  • Memorize a verse a week
I think starting off easy will be the best way to go about it, I don't want it to ever turn into a "job" to get things crossed off! Ew!

As for today, I am going to study some in school, eat lunch & dessert by myself at Macadoo's,  (yes, I actually enjoy doing homework and eating alone in a sit-down restaurant) and then work till the cows come home tonight. But the whole time, I am going to enjoy the sunshine, and get myself ready (hah!) to start 30 days of workout...because we will pretend that Thanksgiving wasn't the last time I exercised..
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Pinday

So, today is my first "Pinday"... & I'm excited about it.
Have you ever looked at the number of pins that you have on Pinterest? Or the number of pins that you have liked? Yeah, wowza. My numbers are aroundabout 2,000 pins and 700 likes. Yikes.
Every time I pin something, I tell myself, "I should wear something like that" or "yeah, I'm doing that" or "HAHAHAHA"(at something inappropriate)
I have actually only followed through with probably 20 pins. Some actually aren't so bad! But of course, most are #pinstrositys.
I'm going to pick 3 fabulous pins, and ooooh and ahhhh about doing it one of these days.

This bedroom that I have been in awe of for months. That wall. Mmm.

Owen's Olivia

Let's be honest, if you throw Hunter boots into any picture, it becomes 100x better.

A couple words that are nice.

That was fun, let's play Pinday again sometime!
If you would like to join me, leave a comment with the link to your site below so I can see.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

101 in 1001

Hey y'all. Sorry I'm MIA recently, it looks like a trend. I'm jumping on the bandwagon here with a 101 in 1001 list. I first came across one of these lovelies at Miss Shelby's Blog, I then read more of these lists here, here, and here.
Begin: 2/1/2014
Finish: 10/29/2016

For Others
1- Send twenty letters, snail-mail style. (0/20)
2- Bake cookies for neighbors.
3- Serve dinner at a homeless shelter.
4- Have a yard sale and donate to a cause.
5- Send flowers to a friend.
6- Coupon & send stockpile to a shelter.
7- Have a random acts of kindness week.
8- Visit a nursing home.
9- Help someone move.
10- Invest in a friend's dream.
11- Donate blood (or bone marrow if I'm lucky).

For My Relationship
12- Get engaged.
13- Plan a surprise day trip.
14- Workout together two times a week all month.
15- Start a Christmas tradition.
16- Take engagement pictures.
17- Plan a marriage, not a wedding.
18- Have dessert before dinner.
19- Go fishing.
20- Go kayaking.
21- Hike somewhere new.
22- Make a scrapbook/journal.
23- See NYC at Christmas.
24- Take pictures in a photo booth.
25- Wear red lipstick on a date.
26- Visit Mayberry on July the Fourth.
27- Take a pottery class.
28- Join our church as members.

For My Family & Friends:
29- Send my Nana flowers.
30- Make a friend from another country.
31- Go on a girl's weekend trip.
32- Buy my family a meal out.
33- Be a bridesmaid.

To Go Places:
34- Go to the beach, but just for a weekend.
35- Visit 5 new places.
36- Go camping somewhere new.
37- Take a train ride.
38- Go to a blog conference.
39- Go geocaching.
40- Go skiing.
41- Go to a festival.
42- Go to a corn maze.
43- Go to a concert.
44- Tour a vineyard.
45- Move to college.

To Try New Things:
46- Take a cooking class.
47- Take a ballroom dancing class.
48- Go whitewater rafting.
49- See a drive-in.
50- Get a Blowout at a DryBar.
51- Watch the sun rise.
52- Watch the sun set.
53- Ride bikes at the beach.
54- Attend an orchestra.
55- Go to an outdoor yoga class.
56- Go to a zumba class.
57- Go wine tasting.
58- Run a fun 5k.

To Do The Grownup Thing:
59- Mealplan an entire month.
60- Graduate college.
61- Recycle all plastic bottles.
62- Save 5k on my own.
63- Start a new business.
64- Use my Etsy shop.
65- Pay off my car.
66- Follow a real skincare routine.
67- Have a no-spend week.
68- Get certified in something.
69- Get a promotion.
70- Be an intern.
71- Vote.

To Get Crafty:
72- Host a Pinterest craft party.
73- Print Instagram photos.
74- Do twenty DIY projects from Pinterest. (0/20)
75- Buy real artwork.
76- Make a teeshirt quilt.
77- Draw 10 things. (0/10)

Food & Fitness:
78- Cook through an entire cookbook.
79- Buy from the farmer's market.
80- Cook just for me ten times. (0/10)
81- Complete a Jillian Michaels thirty day workout. (0/30)
82- Swim laps instead of running on the treadmill.

For The Blogger:
83- Meet another blogger!
84- Write a guest post.
85- Blog three times a week for a month.

For Me:
86- Get a massage.
87- Memorize one hundred verses.(0/100)
88- Be social media free for one week.
89- Plan a surprise party.
90- Read twenty books from the library. (0/20)
91- Get fresh flowers for me.
92- Leave a 100% tip.
93- Finish the fifty-two week money challenge.
94- Wake up early on my day off.
95- Drink coffee black.
96- Attend/throw a dinner party.
97- Plant a tree.
98- Go horseback riding.
99- Pull an all-nighter.
100- Meet someone whom I think is famous!
101- Wear dresses for a week.

Ahhh. I'm excited. Let's see how many we can get done(: